Feedback: Part 4

Receiving my feedback for Part 4 highlighted some key areas to work on in Part 5 and beyond. I was pleased overall with the comments and agreed wholeheartedly with the points to consider, especially the importance of exploring a range of options in the initial stages of narrative development. There were also some wonderful comments about my use of media, colour and character development; all areas I have highlighted previously as needing to be a focus. I printed out the comments, cut them into sections, and noted my thoughts in my sketchbook as I went. As I cannot post the entire report here, I have photographed my reflections and highlighted my next steps.

I would like to show in Part 5 that I can consider lots of alternatives, while still playing with a variety of media and experimenting with colour. Additionally, I need to ensure that the quality of my drawing does not get lost in the final illustrations, and that I am constantly aware of the message I am trying to portray (or the narrative I am trying to tell) so this is clear. My tutor also gave me lots of links to books to look at – which I am very excited about as there is only one research task in Part 5! – so these will also be a priority for me.

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