Research 4.3

Story structures

How might it be useful for getting more from your own drawings?

This structure will be invaluable when drawing. Before drawing, I should establish where the image falls within this structure. Alternatively, by looking back over my drawings, I could see if any already tell part of a narrative and an arc could be developed around this. It will really help to consider what has happened to the characters in the drawings before the scene and what might happen to them after the scene. This will ensure the whole history and future of the characters is communicated in the drawing; the viewer should be able to see where the image fits into a story arc.    

Can you find a story which already conforms to the structure?

There are lots of stories I have used in my classroom that fit this structure. For example, I have broken down Roald Dahl’s ‘Esio Trot’ into the eight parts:

  1. STASIS: Mr Hoppy lives alone in his flat with his plants. Everyday he exchanges polite conversation with the lady who lives in the flat below, Mrs Silver. He is secretly in love with her. She gives all her love to her tortoise, Alfie.
  2. TRIGGER: Mrs Silver tells Mr Hoppy that she wishes Alfie would grow faster.
  3. QUEST: Mr Hoppy comes up with a clever plan to ‘help Alfie grow’ and win Mrs Silver’s heart. He hands Mrs Silver the rhyme he has invented.
  4. A SURPRISE: The story reveals that Mr Hoppy is planning to swap tortoises (he has contacted lots of pet shops and now has a flat full of tortoises).
  5. A CRITICAL CHOICE/REACTION: Using his tortoise catcher, he removes the tortoise from Mrs Silver’s balcony everyday and replaces it with a slightly bigger tortoise.
  6. THE CLIMAX: Mrs Silver notices that Alfie cannot fit through his door into his little shelter. She decides to weigh him.
  7. THE REVERSAL: Mrs Silver is delighted with how much her Alfie has grown. Mr Hoppy suddenly feels brave. He asks to go downstairs to see Alfie for himself. Mrs Silver accepts.
  8. THE RESOLUTION: Mr Hoppy and Mrs Silver get married and live happily ever after.

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