Research 3.5

Visual research

I read the article ‘Searching for the Green Man: A sketchbook quest’ by Pam Smy and made some notes as I read:

Smy, P. (2014) Searching for the Green Man: a sketchbook quest. Journal of Illustration, 1 (1), pp 151-166. doi: 10.1386/jill.1.1.151_1

How does the character of the sketchbooks relate to the final illustration?

The main link between the character in the sketchbook and the final illustrations is that they are both hidden or obscured. Below, I explored this question further:

Are there any texts or stories you have encountered that relate to any of the drawings you have produced during this section of the course?

After looking back over Part 3 and the images I have produced, I picked out a few that I felt linked to a story or text; one that was consciously inspired by a story.

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