Thinking about… Assignment 1

Exploring the everyday

The brief for this assignment was to build upon the work in the exercises and research to create a sketchbook themed around ‘EVERYDAY’. There were no specifications for materials or content, as long as the sketchbook work explored the everyday. I immediately knew that I wanted to look further into the consistencies in my everyday, after observing my room for the miniature sketchbooks in Exercise 1.2 (making mistakes) and Exercise 1.3 (to hide or not to hide?) Initially, I noted down some ideas based on the prompt questions.

What type of sketchbook? – I want to create one myself, A5, using plain white cartridge paper, which will be strong enough for paint/other materials to be used inside.

Physical or digital or a mixture? – Physical, as this is the way I work best. I want to paste in photographs and any editing experiments, if appropriate.

Personal? – Yes. My most free, spontaneous and meaningful work comes when I express myself openly. A lot of changes have taken place this year and exploring the theme of ‘everyday’ could be a way of creatively processing these changes.

How will it develop from start to finish? Will there be a finish? Will it ask more questions than it answers? – I would like it to explore the consistencies in my everyday, perhaps looking at the way unexpected changes can jump out and alter everyday forever. Some things always stay the same, and, no matter how wonderful or devastating life gets, everyday carries on going – for you and the people around you.

Candy Jernigan

Below is a little research compiled in my research booklet about the artist Candy Jernigan. Her way of observing the world around her was intriguing; discarded objects transformed into treasures. This made me consider the ‘mundane’ in my everyday and how, actually, these are often the most precious objects or moments.

I had already explored the deeply personal and imaginative sketchbook work of Frida Kahlo, which has definitely inspired me to let my sketchbook be a personal space, especially exploring the theme of ‘everyday’.

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