Exercise: Turning words into pictures

This was a challenge task as I couldn’t be too precious with my drawings and allow ideas to flow freely, be fluid and not get bogged down in the details.

I enjoyed adding spots of colour and found that I gravitated towards materials I was already comfortable with, so I forced myself to use other materials too.

I chose the word ‘TRAVEL’ because I felt I had more ideas for this word and more experiences to draw on. There are many objects associated with travel and I noticed that my drawings tended to fall into two distinct categories: the practicalities of travelling (such as tickets or suitcases or signs) and the locations themselves. I felt there were also some generic travel images, such as the globe, maps and compass.

To some images, I added colour, and found I was using bright, vibrant colours for the location images but used dull colours for signs, maps etc. To me, the excitement of travelling has always been about the destination, rather than the actual movement from one place to another, and I think this came across in the visual mind map.

I was pleased with the globe and the effect created with watercolours; it looks bright and exciting but also a little blurry, as if undiscovered and not yet fully known; still a hazy vision.

The ideas generated through this exercise were different compared to using words. Although I tried not to be, I was conscious of the position of certain images on the page and the colours on the page too. It has ended up looking too careful and placed; this is something I want to work on.

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