Drawing challenge

29th March 2020 – 18th April 2020

To stay inspired and maintain a good routine during these unusual circumstances, I started a 21-day drawing challenge. My journey is documented on my art page (Instagram @artworkjade https://www.instagram.com/artworkjade/?hl=en), which I am updating daily with my attempts. I am finding it helpful to have a set task that is completely separate to my assignment (Assignment 4) to give my brain a break. Also, it is reminding me of techniques and styles that I really enjoy, sparking new ideas and fuelling my creativity.

Here are a few examples of images I have produced so far in my drawing challenge sketchbook. I chose an A6 sketchbook for these little challenges. I also deliberately chose a sketchbook with more pages than I will need, with the hope that I will be in a good habit and continue this practise of drawing something everyday that is separate from my degree projects.

Below is the link to the prompts I am following. The instructor is Von Glitschka, an illustrator and designer, who introduces each prompt and then provides a ‘solution’ video to demonstrate how he approached the brief.


Accessed 29/03/20, each day, until 18/04/20


I am still drawing everyday! I have made some prompts using random words and am using these to spark ideas each day for a unique image. It is brilliant to complete something creative separate to my coursework. I am still posting these on my Instagram (@artworkjade).

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