Research task 1.0

It is always fascinating to look through other people’s sketchbooks and see how they work; the processes they go through when exploring a concept and how they record their thoughts. I enjoyed watching the flick through of Dr Emma Powell’s most recent sketchbook, especially because it contained such a mixture of images and ideas; lists, sketches, experiments with materials, notes, photographs, etc.

Below are my thoughts written in my A3 sketchbook, along with some screenshots from the flick through.

This fluid way of working and a drive to seek ‘happy accidents’ by deliberately using unfamiliar materials and colours is something I want to strive for in my own sketchbook. I liked how Emma had some pages that she said she would be returning to and using in the future; the whole book showed a journey, but there were a few little detours and tangents along the way (like any thought process!)

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